
Guake es un terminal desplegable para Gnome. Al igual que otros terminales similares, se le llama con sólo pulsar una tecla (F12) y se oculta con la misma tecla (F12). Su diseño fue inspirado en los videojuegos de ordenador como Quake que tenía una consola que se deslizaba hacia abajo desde la parte superior de la pantalla cuando se pulsaba una tecla, y deslizaba hacia arriba cuando se pulsaba esa misma tecla de nuevo.

Guake sigue la misma línea de Yakuake y Tilda, pero es un intento de fusionar lo mejor de ellos en una sola aplicación basada en GTK. Guake se ha escrito desde cero.

Personalmente, no conocía ésta herramienta que junto con Geany, mi editor de textos y mi IDE preferido, hacen una mezcla perfecta.

Enlace: Guake.

Enlace: Descarga e instalación de Guake.

Vía: Linux Hispano

New Release: Elegance Colors – Chameleonic GNOME Shell theme

elegance colors gnome shell
Elegance Colors, a chameleonic, highly customizable GNOME Shell theme, has been updated today, the new version bringing an option to export a customized theme for later use.
The latest Elegance Colors 0.3 works with GNOME Shell 3.6 and the best thing about it is that the theme changes its colors according to the current GTK theme, wallpaper or an user-defined color. The theme also comes with a configuration tool which can be used to customize it: use light or dak menus, change the panel or menu opacity, font size and other options.

Here are a few examples of customizations supported by Elegance Colors:
Sigue Leyendo New Release: Elegance Colors…

GNOME Shell: How To Enable Notifications In The Lock Screen

gnome shell lock screen notifications
GNOME Shell 3.6 got a neat feature which allows notifications to be displayed in the lock screen.

In Ubuntu 12.10 (either if you’ve installed GNOME Shell manually or using Ubuntu GNOME Remix 12.10), the lock screen notifications are turned off by default and since Ubuntu uses System Settings 3.4 instead of 3.6, the option to turn it on is missing. So here’s a quick tip on how to enable it. Open a terminal and copy/paste the following command:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver show-notifications true
This can also be done by using Dconf-editor, by navigating to org > gnome > desktop > screensaver and enabling «show-notifications».
After enabling this option, you’ll get music player controls and the number of unread notifications in the GNOME Shell lock screen, like you can see in the screenshot above.
If you want to disable the notifications from showing up in the GNOME Shell lock screen, use:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver show-notifications false

These instructions should work with any Linux distribution running GNOME Shell 3.6 or newer.

Thanks to Dylan McCall for the tip!

GPaste GNOME Shell Clipboard Manager Available For Ubuntu 12.10 (GNOME Shell 3.6)

Por: Andrew

GPaste, a native GNOME Shell clipboard manager, is now available for Ubuntu 12.10 / GNOME Shell 3.6 through the WebUpd8 GNOME 3 PPA.
GPaste features uris support (remembers copied files, not just text), a command line tool, option to backup / restore clipboard history, image support and other useful options.

Install GPaste in Ubuntu 12.10

To install GPaste in Ubuntu 12.10 (with GNOME Shell 3.6), use the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/gnome3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extensions-gpaste

Once installed, enable the extension using GNOME Tweak Tool.

Note: there’s a memory leak when enabling the image support (it occurs when taking a screenshot for instance). For this reason, I’ve disabled it by default in GPaste package available in our PPA but you can enable it from the GPaste settings if you want to use it anyway.
Unfortunately, the latest GPaste 2.9 doesn’t compile successfully for Ubuntu 12.04, that’s why the latest version is only available for Ubuntu 12.10.


The Faience Pack Gets A Beautiful New GTK3 Theme, GNOME Shell And Icon Themes Updated

Por: Andrew

The Faience pack has been updated today with new and improved icons for the icon theme, GNOME Shell 3.6 support for the GS theme and there’s also a beautiful new GTK3 theme.
faience icon theme

New in Faience icon theme 0.5:

  • New design for the desktop, remote desktop, wallpaper, GDM setup, session properties, Terminal, Xterm, Twitter, Spotify and adressbook icons
  • Updated blue folders color
  • Icons for the system settings categories on Ubuntu

Sigue Leyendo The Faience Pack Gets…

En mi Google Reader: How to install nautilus 3.6 in ubuntu 12.10

Por: ruchi

Nautilus is the official file manager for the GNOME desktop. The name is a play on words, evoking the shell of a nautilus to represent an operating system shell. Nautilus replaced Midnight Commander in GNOME 1.4 and was the default from version 2.0 onwards.
Read the rest of How to install nautilus 3.6 in ubuntu 12.10 (108 words)

Vía: Ubuntu Geek


¡GNOME 3 ya está aquí!


Hoy es el día de GNOME 3, es el día donde sabremos la verdad, donde sabremos si fue un gran acierto o un gran error el haber transformado nuestro escritorio libre favorito y hacerlo "intuitivo y versátil". Hoy es el día donde definitivamente el concepto de escritorio cambiará, para bien o para mal. Esperemos -por el bien de todos- que sea para bien.

NOTA: Hasta el momento solo está disponible como imagen LiveCD con Fedora Core u Open Suse puedes bajarlo y probarlo con estas excelentes distros o esperar unas horas más para que sea liberado para el resto de los UNIX like.

¡Hasta entonces!


P. D. La verdad Paranoides estoy muy emocionado, espero no decepcionarme.

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