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GNOME Shell: How To Enable Notifications In The Lock Screen

gnome shell lock screen notifications
GNOME Shell 3.6 got a neat feature which allows notifications to be displayed in the lock screen.

In Ubuntu 12.10 (either if you’ve installed GNOME Shell manually or using Ubuntu GNOME Remix 12.10), the lock screen notifications are turned off by default and since Ubuntu uses System Settings 3.4 instead of 3.6, the option to turn it on is missing. So here’s a quick tip on how to enable it. Open a terminal and copy/paste the following command:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver show-notifications true
This can also be done by using Dconf-editor, by navigating to org > gnome > desktop > screensaver and enabling «show-notifications».
After enabling this option, you’ll get music player controls and the number of unread notifications in the GNOME Shell lock screen, like you can see in the screenshot above.
If you want to disable the notifications from showing up in the GNOME Shell lock screen, use:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver show-notifications false

These instructions should work with any Linux distribution running GNOME Shell 3.6 or newer.

Thanks to Dylan McCall for the tip!

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